O CIAM posúe unha das maiores bibliotecas especializadas en temáticas agrarias de Galicia, con acceso a bases de datos, acceso a internet sen fíos e información bibliográfica aberta aos investigadores e profesionáis agrarios.
| ANO |
Implications of the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Common Bean under Seasonal Water Stress |
Ana P. Rodiño 1, Manuel Riveiro 2 and Antonio M. De Ron 1,* |
Agronomy 2021, 11, 70 |
2021 |
Current Challenges for Fasciolicide Treatment in Ruminant Livestock |
José Antonio Castro-Hermida,Marta González-Warleta,Victoria Martínez-Sernández, Florencio M. Ubeira, and Mercedes Mezo, |
nds in Parasitology TREPAR 2089 No. of Pages 15 |
2021 |
Isolation and genetic characterization of NEOSPORA CANINUM from naturally infected sheep |
Marta García-Sáncheza, Javier Moreno-Gonzaloa, Marta González-Warletab, Mercedes Mezob, Luis Miguel Ortega-Moraa, Javier Regidor-Cerrilloa |
VeterinaryParasitology280(2020)109091 |
2020 |
Intramuscular fatty acid composition of the longissimus muscle of unweaned Minhota breed calves at different slaughter ages |
J.P. Araújo, P. Pires, J. Cerqueira, M. Barros & T. Moreno. |
Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2020) Vol 20 (1), pgs: 17-24 |
2020 |
Fabric phase sorptive extraction for the determination of 17 multiclass fungicides in environmental water by gas chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry |
María Celeiro; Lúa Vazquez; Piyaluk Nurerk; Abuzar Kabir; Kenneth G Furton; Thierry Dagnac; María Llompart. |
Journal of Separation Science. 43, 2020, 1817-1829 |
2020 |
Turning cork by-products into smart and green materials for solid-phase extraction-gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of fungicides in water |
María Celeiro; Lúa Vazquez; Meruyert Sergazina; Santiago Docampo; Thierry Dagnac; Vítor JP Vilar; María Llompart. |
Journal of Chromatography A. 2020, 1628 |
2020 |
Maternal immune response in the placenta of sheep during recrudescence of natural congenital infection of Neospora caninum |
Daniel Gutiérrez-Expósito, Marta González-Warleta, Jose Espinosa, Raquel Vallejo-García, Jose Antonio Castro-Hermida, Carmen Calvo, María C. Ferreras, Valentín Pérez, Julio Be |
Veterinary Parasitology 285 (2020) 109204 |
2020 |
Aplicación de la espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier para la caracterización de la materia orgánica de purines procedentes de distintos tipos de alimentación en vacuno de leche. |
C. Santiago; M. Lado; M.I. García; D. Báez |
Libro de actas del VIII Remedia Workshop: Economía circular como catalizador de la sostenibilidad medioambiental del sector primario español, 110. |
2020 |
Combined (D)Spe-quechers extraction of mycotoxins in mixed feed rations and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry. |
Rocío Facorro; María Llompart; Thierry Dagnac. |
Toxins, 2020, 12(3), 206 |
2020 |
Nitrogen use efficiency in dairy cows from different diets in north-western Spain |
C. Santiago; M.I. García; D. Báez |
Proceedings of the 28th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation: Meeting the future demads for grassland production. Vol. 25,348-350. |
2020 |