Código do proxecto: 652640-EuroDairy
Ano de inicio: 2016
Investigador Principal:
Outros investigadores: Juan Castro Insua/ César Resch/ Mª Isabel García Pomar/ Mª Dolores Báez Bernal- Empresa participante AGACA
The overall objective of EuroDairy is to set up an EU Thematic Network to increase the economic, environmental and social sustainability of European dairy farming, by improved resource management (“More with less”). A ‘multi-actor’ approach will be used to stimulate knowledge exchange and to increase the uptake of innovation and best practice. The multi-actor approach will strengthen the connection of science and practice, ensuring two-way flow of information and ideas within and across the 26 participating dairy regions, which together represent 56% of EU milk production.
Specific objectives are, to:
- Enable effective collaboration on sustainability issues between stakeholders in the dairy sector. The main stakeholders are farmers, researchers, advisors, cooperatives and dairy industries. To this end, Multi-Actor Groups (MAGs) will be established in each participating region.
- Stimulate and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and techniques across Europe. To this end, a pan-EU Thematic Network will be created in which all regional MAGs are represented.
- Translate and demonstrate existing scientific knowledge and techniques into locally-adapted, best-practice dairy farming systems. To this end, a pan-EU network of commercial dairy pilot farms will be created.
- Assess and demonstrate the agronomic, financial and environmental impacts of promising innovations in a whole-dairy-farm context. To this end, a pan-EU network of Knowledge Transfer Centres (KTCs) will be created.
- Produce durable, easily-accessible multi-language end-user material focussed on the improvement of resource-use efficiency.
- Support the concept of the European Innovation Partnership. To this end, EuroDairy partners will champion the implementation of the EIP in the regions (including the funding of MAGs), while the project itself will evaluate the effectiveness of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) tested.